I work for a manufacturing company in Quezon City. My job is cerebral – it requires me to think from 8 AM to 6 PM, that’s why I grab every opportunity there is to rest and relax.
I love color and I embrace life.
Travelling has become my passion. But I’m also into music, fashion and shopping.
It was Marcial, my better half, who introduced me to travelling. We met in 2008 – and from then on, my journeys have never been so sweet and meaningful. Luckily, people in the office where I'm working also have a fondness for touring. Thanks, Debbie, Myla, Rashy, Ofie, Nympha and Misty for the unforgettable moments with you! I’m looking forward to conquering new territories with you... and your better halves.
Marcial pushed me into blogging about my travel experiences to document the beautiful places I’ve been to. But, this blog is also intended for fellow travelers - to offer them ideas on where to go to, eat, sleep and have fun. I will share information on my actual itineraries and expenses to help travel addicts create a plausible travel plan. I will rate dining establishments I’ve been to. I will post contact details of travel agencies, tour guides and hotels. I will publish pictures – I won’t edit them to give readers real images of the landmarks I’ve conquered. It will be very fulfilling on my part if the bits and pieces of information posted here actually make readers’ travels worthwhile.
I love to plan my travels – creating the itinerary and estimating (and actually sticking to) the budget. If you need help creating yours, I am very much willing to help.
Every travel requires budget and time. So, save a portion from your payroll and plan your work leaves.
I dream of travelling with my niece, Lycka. This will happen soon.
I love the beach – the sun and the sand. Recently, I’ve become a fan of water rafting.
I’m also a fan of Sex and the City and Gossip Girl… that’s why New York is a travel target.
For each of my travels, I bring my SLR with me to capture the beautiful scenery. As I've decided to go serious with blogging, taking pictures is now a responsibility.
Some people feel upset when a tour is about to end… because it means separating from travel companions and going back to daily home and office routines. I don’t share that view. Ending the journey is just as exciting as planning it – because it means that you get to move on to planning and conquering the next destination in your life’s itinerary.
I always believe that it’s not the destination that makes travelling unforgettable. It’s the journey - the process of actually getting there (despite unforeseen, unexpected and uncontrollable circumstances) - that gives me fulfillment.
The world is so huge to be conquered in a lifetime. Create your lifetime itinerary (I’ve done mine). Stick to it. Plan. And if you fail to complete your planned destinations by the time your life on earth is about to be over, don’t fret. We have the next lifetime to continue the journey.